Monday, July 13, 2015

Pesto with Sue

Last week I spent some time with my Aunt Susan and my Grammy. They live together and they are just as quirky as I am. They are part of the village that raised me and now they are part of the village that helps with my boys. 

I brought over a huge bag of basil and some homegrown garlic to their house. Sue had pine nuts and Parmesan. Obviously, it was pesto time!! 

The recipe was simple:
1 small head of garlic
1/4 cup of pine nuts
3 cups of basil
1 cup of olive oil 
1 cup of Parmesan cheese finely grated 
Salt and pepper 

In a food processor, pulse garlic until it is in tiny pieces. Add in pine nuts and pulse again, scraping down the sides to make sure everything is incorporated. Next add the basil. After the basil is finely chopped, stream in the olive oil with the blade running. After all of your oil is incorporated dump in the cheese. Pulse until combined. Taste. Season with salt and pepper. Taste again.

Aunt Sue and Grammy use the pesto for a pesto cream sauce to go over shrimp. I used it for a spread over crackers with some peppered salami and jack cheese. This pesto is super garlicky. Garlic is good for you. Eat a mint if you are worried about garlic breath or feed it to everyone so you all have garlic breath.

I hope you have some time to make your own pesto. It is the best way to use up basil in my opinion. I also hope that you have some weirdos that you can make it with. Those wonderful weirdos will not judge you when you eat the pesto with a spoon! 

Thanks for reading!

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