Saturday, June 13, 2015

A party with popsicles

 I will take a popsicle how ever I can get it. Yesterday, we had a party that was all about popsicles! My friends and their kids all came over to make some homemade popsicles. It was so much fun! 

I made a bunch of juices, bought some lemonade, limeade, and put out a few other things to make some tasty creative treats. The kids had fun and the grown ups left the party with a little hearing loss. Kids are not quiet creatures. 

So if you are thinking that this sounds like a lot of fun, here are a few tips: 

Make some stuff and buy some stuff.
I made coconut milk yogurt, peanut butter almond milk, strawberry juice, plum juice, watermelon juice, and mango purée. I bought lemonade and limeade concentrate, pineapple juice concentrate unsweetened vanilla almond milk, and dark chocolate almond milk. All of the juices and the purée were just peeled, blended, and strained. Very simple. I added water to help them blend. Easy. The peanut butter almond milk was just that: peanut butter, almond milk, and a few tablespoons of powdered sugar.

Find some yummy add ins. We had defrosted blueberries, chocolate chips, and shredded coconut.

Hit up your local dollar store. I found popsicle molds there. I also found some Italian Ice style popsicles that I froze before hand so the kids had something to eat while their creations were in the freezer. Be prepared to deliver the creations later in the day or the following morning. 

Feed them something easy! I made a large batch of popcorn. So cheap and easy! I love doing this for birthday parties, cookouts, and of course movie night. It is cheaper than chips. It is healthier than chips and you get so much more. I cook mine on the stove in coconut oil and salt.

We had so much fun! The husband set up the sprinkler so the kids could play. We had crafts set up, but I think only the adults made them.

I hope you are inspired to have a get together with some great people and make some yummy popsicles. Thanks for stopping by!

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