Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Take a look at your new reality

I am not writing today about specifics because what I am writing can apply to so many issues that we face today. I am writing this because whatever issue you are against, I want you to think harder about it. I want you to think beyond a talk radio program that you listen to, or a website that you read from or a "news" channel that you watch.

I took a look at my Facebook feed today and it was sad. I watch 1964 American Experience and it was sad. I talked to my husband today and we walked away from our conversation feeling...sad.

We are missing an opportunity EVERYDAY. Everyday that we blame people, we miss an opportunity to lift them up. In the business that I am in, that is all we do. We do not fight, we do not blame, we do not keep people down. WE LIFT THEM UP!! Do you know what happens when you lift a person up?? They have hope, they find strength in who they are, they believe they too can achieve.

WHO CARES WHOS FAULT IT IS???? Isn't that what we say to our children everyday? I don't care who's fault it is! We are going to fix it together!!

Whatever your feelings are, you must accept a new reality. One that is uncomfortable. REALLY uncomfortable. You must look at what is going on and say to yourself ; "What can I do so that this is not normal for my children?"

The first thing you do: Stop the blame game.
Next: Turn off the tv, get out of your house, and go talk to people.

Do you remember when you were in school and you got excited about something that you believed in and you researched it and felt empowered by the knowledge that you obtained? That can still happen to you! You can still grow. You can still change. You will not magically turn into a different person that people do not recognize just because you changed your opinion. The label that you have placed on yourself might not fit, but you didn't need that label anyway.

We so often think that as adults we have learned everything we need to learn so we do not need to seek out more understanding. That is why we are here!!! We should be growing and changing our opinions, because we have found more understanding. Do not be afraid of what happens when you are wrong, be afraid of never discovering that you were wrong.

I am not writing about one issue here, because I believe they are all the same issue. We are resistant to new ideas, so we stick with old and tired ones. We are afraid to fail, so we do not try. We refuse to accept that we are the problem and the solution, so we hide. Whatever you felt that I have just written about, please apply more understanding to the issue. You will not lose anything from gaining a new thought.

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