Saturday, June 21, 2014

Summer in the 'burbs... the struggle is real.

"Can I wear Daddy's hair?"
I love my kids, I love my kids, I love my kids.

I will tell myself that more than 5 times a day. This is nothing new to me. I have been a stay at home mom this entire time. Why in the world am I going so crazy?!?!

He is nuts!
Andrew is here all the time now. I thought I missed him while he was at school. I did, but I now know why all the moms at the bus stop were so happy on the first day of school. This is rough stuff.


We are trying to get our finances in better order so we are not going on vacation this year. Well, all I have to say is we better get our mess in order because this can't be our normal. The only change of scenery we have had is my husbands new head. The only time we have to ourselves is when a grandparent momentarily goes insane and offers to take both kids for longer than an hour. The only end in sight is a new school year beginning. I keep thinking to myself that I am the only one going through this. Then I wander outside and see all the other moms and dads with the same twisted crazy face that I have everyday.

"I am not a fan of pools."
We can do this!
I am not the mom that has a plan anymore. I used to be organized and on time for things and this summer just proved I no longer have that trait. We have only been to the pool a handful of times. By the time I get my shit together enough and make it to the pool; the lifeguards hear thunder and we have to drag sad kids back home only to watch the clouds pass with no rain. I remember a few years ago I could get to the pool by 9am and not leave until 12pm. Ugh, I was such a bitch with my one kid and endless possibilities.

Now, I am not blaming the baby for being late. I am just saying it didn't used to be this way. Nap times must be part of the routine. I do not mind being late if I am waiting for my baby to wake up. I have been on time for a few things. If I stay up till 10pm getting all the stuff that we need to function outside of the house and then wake up at 6am to get the people into a less busted state of existence I might make it to where I need to go by 10am.
Sweet baby face?
I sure do love all of my people in my house. They bring me most if not all of my joy. I would never trade these long days. I just needed to let you know that I have been looking at islands for sale and if we all pitch in, we could get one. Oh, and my Restoration Hardware catalogs came in the mail. They are my escape until you guys are ready to write the checks for your portion of the island. Thank you for letting me vent and I hope you are enjoying your summer!


  1. I remember those days and truth be told miss them a bit. With Jack being 15 life is so easy and he is a great kid and fun to be with when he is being morose LOL. Hang in girl, you do have a awesome family!

    1. Thanks Mary! I do try and live in the moment with the boys. There just seem to be more moments lately! I am hoping to have a daycation here soon for a change of scenery. Any suggestions?
