Friday, March 28, 2014

So now I feel like you guys know me

I am going on a bit of a journey. You know that life thing that hits you in the face every morning. I tend to think if I can fix one thing I can fix it all. So after all the support I received from the post about my weight struggles; I feel like I owe you guys an update.

I am down 10 pounds. Hooray!

More importantly I am making changes to better the health of not just me but my family. Andrew is basically a vegetarian. He has never really liked meat, except for bacon. He loves bacon. We are kind of following him on this one. I have read a ton of books about adopting a more plant based diet. It makes sense. So does bacon though, we have now reserved it for special weekend mornings. We are down from meat for every meal to meat for about 3 meals a week.

I have never wanted to diet and exercise to become thin.  I think that it is so cool that we can change our body on a cellular level just by what we put into it. There are some like taste buds that are new about every 10 days and then there are some like your skeleton that is replaced every 10 years. How are we supposed to do that with foods that have little to know nutritional value? That to me is much more interesting than just calories in calories out.

This is not the vision.
I feel so much more knowledgeable about how the body works and processes food after really looking into it. I would encourage anyone to find some books that will provide you with some understanding on how your body uses the food that you put into it. We always hear that all calories are not created equal and when you find out the why and the how behind that it can be very eye opening.

This isn't either, but I was a size 12 here.

Putting this one out there: I want to be at my goal by my birthday next year. My goal is to be in a size 12. I have until August of next year. I have not been a size 12 since I was a teenager! I do not want that body back. I have birthed children. I want a more lean version of my current shape. I love my shape, just not the extra fluff on top of it! I bought a few pairs of pants in February that are a size 20 and they are big already. Woohoo!

I have a vision of myself. I am not there yet, but I will not stop until I reach that point. My vision is of an active person who takes long walks around my neighborhood. I want to walk to the library instead of drive. It really is not that far away. I can see myself moving towards this in little ways. I took a staycation with my husband last month and instead of sleeping the entire weekend and indulging in rich foods, we wanted to get out and walk around and eat light. I less worried about what people think when I jog to my car with the buggy at the store. I have a ways to go, but I have come really really far from where I was.


  1. Great job Elyse. You can do it. You are so right about the food. I could eat less meat and it not bother me. I do however have two meat eating men in my house. : )

    1. I am so glad Dustin has been so receptive to this change. Gabe eats whatever and Andrew could live in a garden. It certainly makes dinner much quicker to prepare!

  2. I thought you were looking sassy when I saw you at Target!
